Pre-Congress Institute
Course 01: by Jim Martin – Appraisal: the language of evaluation
6, 7, 8 July 2006, 8:30 to 12:30 pm
This workshop will involve an introduction to appraisal, drawing on Martin & White (The Language of Evaluation, Palgrave, 2005); the key systems of attitude, graduation and engagement will be
Course 02: by Frances Christie - Developing an educational linguistics for teacher education using the functional grammar
6, 7, 8 July 2006, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) has always made a strong claim for its relevance to language education programs, and a great deal has now been written over the years of ways to design
Course 12: by J. L. Meurer - Texto e contexto na lingüística sistêmico-funcional: estratificação, metafunção e outros parâmetros para o estudo da linguagem
6, 7, 8 July 2006, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Text and context in Systemic Functional Linguistics: stratification, metafunction and other parameters for languagem studies
(This course will be given in Portuguese)
A lingüística sistêmico-
Course 03: by Len Unsworth - Using functional grammar and image analyses to teach the “constructedness” of illustrated children’s literary narratives in book and electronic media.
6, 7, 8 July 2006, 2 pm to 6 pm
The recontextualization as digitial multimedia presentations of literary narratives which have been well-established in book format is becoming increasing common. The stories range from popular
Course 04: by Geoff Williams - Doing Discourse Analysis
6, 7, 8 July 2006, 2 pm to 6 pm
This workshop is designed for people with some experience of undertaking analysis of texts using systemic functional grammar. The aim is to extend participants’ skills in discourse analysis by
Course 05: by Geoff Thompson - From process to pattern: Analysing transitivity in texts
6, 7, 8 July 2006, 2 pm to 6 pm
In these workshops, we will cover two main areas:
    •    problems with categorising transitivity;
    •    the ways in which a transitivity analysis, once carried out, can be used as a basis for exploring the
6 through 8 July, 2006.