Congress Program
10 - 15 July 2006
Register here.
Guests include
Adriana Pagano
Carlos Gouveia
Cecília Colombi
Célia Maria Magalhães
Chistian Matthiessen
David Rose
Eija Ventola
Estela Moyano
Frances Christie
Geoff Thompson
Geoff Williams
Gillian Moss
Jim Martin
John Polias
José Luiz Meurer
Kazuhiro Teruya
Len Unsworth
Mick O´Donnell
Peter White
Salvio Martín Menéndez
Viviane Heberle
Wang Zhenhua
Congress Dinner
Don't miss the Congress Dinner, an additional opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with colleagues and experts in a more relaxed environment. We count on your being there to make it even better!. It will take place in a restaurant in an elegant modern institutional building, with a good round the clock view of São Paulo. It will be preceded by drinks and the food - the best of Brazilian and international cuisine - is being carefully planned for your extra delight. To join in for the dinner, simply choose the dinner option during registration.
Now available!