 fórum on line
 critical text
 artist statement
 urban situation
 muntadas em sp
 arte/cidade - zona leste

The space organization and the different occupation patterns of São Paulo have been determined, to a large extent, by successive urban interventions. Transit systems and equipment, habitational programs, historical sites restoration, different types of legislation and urban operations had intervened significantly in the configuration and uses of urban space.

These interventions, given their scale, especially during the metropolitan restructuring, based on expressways construction, tended to deeply affect the already consolidated territories. Entire areas had been condemned to desertification, to corridor use and to informal occupation.

Only then appears the conscience of these entropic processes, of the urban space as an injured area. New interventions, now of revitalizing character, are proposed for these regions, in general around downtown. The results also are, as any action on complex situations, multiple and controversial. Interventions can generate great urban disasters.

Although determinate, at each phase, by the imperatives of the city development and the available instruments, the conception and implantation of these interventions had been made under an array of variables and possibilities. Its consequences, positive and negatives, can be evaluated. In short: they have authorship.

To underline this aspect means more than to impute responsibility to urban administrators and planners. It is to say that these disasters are not natural, inevitable consequence of the city growth, but the result of urban policies and concrete actions. It is to point the need of, in each in case, evaluating in a more consistent manner the strategies to be adopted and to involve other sectors of the society in the process of decisions taking. To create other mechanisms of urban planning.

Antoni Muntadas proposes to place commemorative boards in diverse points of the East Zone, considered situations of urban and social disaster. The projects and operations that produced these critical patterns had been determined after a research. The boards, conceived like those used in public works inaugurations, must bring the names of administrators and architects responsible for the interventions and the dates of its accomplishment.

Spread through the region, these monuments to urban disasters configure a veritable via crusis. The itinerary of the population that has to endure and pay for the urban policies and management errors. A letter-invitation to the festive board’s inauguration will be sends out. Also will be produced postcards with photos of the situations, like those that traditionally portray the touristic attractions of the city. At Sesc-Belenzinho it will be assembled a map with the location of the boards and a postcards sales point.

The project follows a characteristic procedure of Muntadas work. The question of transforming the cities through large-scale interventions - urban operations, implantation of new traffic systems, development projects for central areas, great architectural works promoted by government and international corporations - is at the core of his more recent works. They are critical interventions on the organization devices of urban space (overall the transit and signaling equipment) and media.

New large architectural public projects violate the traditional city standards by the imposition of metropolitan megastructures. The cities become the field of a new monumentality. An alteration in the logic of the monument occurs, determinate by the relation of the city with the cultural industry, tourism and entertainment. Strategies of urban revitalization through the use of historical patrimony as site for art exhibition and spectacles. Operations that transform the contemporary city into a city-museum: the monumentality of these public interventions instigates the voyeurism, the detached perception of these places.

Here, the use of boards implies an appropriation of a usual urban sign device for another end: a reflection on the processes that conformed the indicated situation. Official commemorative apparatuses, as boards and monuments, are deviated to relate another history, usually hidden: one of the city planning and management mistakes.