josé resende
 critical text
 artist statement
 urban situation
 arte/cidade - zona leste

The region circumscribed by the patio of Pari and the cereal wholesale zone, configured still during the city railroad restructuring, presents exemplarily all the typical elements of metropolises in transition, where the acceleration of urban mutations coexists with the residual material inertia.

In the same situations, the financial capital invisible forces and the governmental urban policies coexist with old devices of ground occupation and transportation, reduced to a state of complete anomie. Processes of incommensurable amplitude and reach, impossible to be deduced from that we can immediately apprehend there.

The operation conceived by Jose Resende for the patio is concentrated, basically, in its great dimensions. The flat terrain, without visual references in the proximities, and the presence of innumerable deactivated wagons, blinding the vision, makes the apprehension of the place pattern difficult. Impossible to draw the contours of this vast and indistinct extension, to insert this immense emptiness in the city cartography, to perceive its latent role in the global scale space restructuring of São Paulo.

Resende does not take the wagons properly as objects, sculptural forms, but as elements to configure a much larger space: the railroad patio and its outskirts. When disposing the wagons in the area, he is establishing a peculiar organization for the space: a conformation that cannot immediately be seen. Perception must be, in principle, necessarily peripatetic. An itinerary around the configuration traced by the compositions.

But this intervention is not obligatorily reduced to the installation of a big sculpture, whose extension and opacity would demand a vision in movement. When covering this itinerary, the observer discovers more than the wagons disposal. The passage _ in a device that remember Spiral Jetty, of Robert Smithson _ also discloses the entropic landscape around. The weed, constructions in ruins, rubbish and abandoned railroad components. The iron gates and walls that separate the patio from the adjacent areas and the remaining portion of the region. Finally, the architectural landmarks that appears at distance.

The project of Resende consists in raising some of the wagons located in the area, with steel cables and heavy blocks, in order to lean them over the others. Powerful cranes and specialized workers, from the railroad company (CPTM), will make possible the difficult operation.

These deactivated wagons, condemned to waste, are remaining portions of the area old dynamics, overwhelmed by the immersion in the entropic disarticulation. An interstitial space produced by the inform proliferation and perceptive indiferentiation. The tensioning device created to suspend the compositions introduces new relations of force, new vectors, in this space dominated by horizontality and inertia.

The wagons suspension also works to allow an apprehension of the large scales involved. The raising of these extremely weighed volumes, unbelievably supported, introduces a strong element of verticality, capable of opposing to the area overwhelming horizontality and sending to the city powerful skyline, at far. The immense masses involve weight ratios and structuring procedures to which we usually don’t have parameters. They make us perceive the enormous complexity and extension of urban interventions that may, from that area, completely modify the space configuration of the metropolis.