concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste Av. Salim Farah Maluf

josé wagner garcia

The new valley bottoms avenues are one of the main instruments of the region road urban restructuring. It is mainly along these new axles that have being implanted, in the last years, enclaves concentrating large structures of commerce and service (as shopping centers) and residential condominiums, isolated from the remainder of the urban fabric.

While the region next to downtown suffered the de-structuring effects of the different metropolitan transit equipment implantation, it is basically Tatuapé that had concentrated the most significant real estate investments, in the last decades, on the east side of the city.

The valley bottoms avenues indicate the new vocation of this territory: the lands situated in these great road corridors had been valued as points of commerce and service, as indicated by the innumerable enterprises of the type already carried through in old industrial areas. The point is valued by its privileged situation of road accessibility, inside the metropolis and in relation to the main interurban roads.

The Av. Salim Farah Maluf functions as a border, beyond which appears territories deeply affected, in the last years, by these enterprises. The Shopping Tatuapé is placed in this avenue. More to the east, there is Jardim Anália Franco and, after, Av. Aricanduva, also endowed with new equipment.