concept urban situations scale interventions research arte/cidade - zona leste
Radial Leste

angelo venosa
josé resende
giselle beiguelman

The Av. Radial Leste, implanted in the 60’s, cuts the entire region, perpendicularly to the axle of the Av. do Estado. It is through its implantation that happens the East Zone integration, in the scope of the metropolitan road restructuring. The avenue, support of intense stream of vehicles, allows the direct access of quarters as Belém and Tatuapé to the center-south areas of the city. It also made possible the growth of the city in direction to the east periphery.

All the area situated in its margins would be reconfigured according to the intense and speedy up transit, with the installation of commerce and equipment for non-local users. The posterior implantation of the subway branch east, parallel to Radial Leste, besides the deep valley avenues that cut it perpendicularly, would consolidate the metropolitan structure of the region.

The Radial Leste establishes a new scale in the East Zone, referring to the whole city. The width of the slots, the viaducts, the transit speed and the connected services don’t have any more relation with the historical drawing of the region, with which they start to conflict.

Together with the economic disinvestment process, it contributes decisively to the conversion of wide parcels of the area in terrain vague. This situation changes the urban space organization and perception parameters.

At viaduct Bresser, there is a configuration that congregates all the urban elements of the area: a railroad patio, the Av. Radial Leste and the viaduct, transposition that connects the quarter of Belém to Moóca, urban territory before organized by Hipódromo Street and broken by the fast transportation systems.