Profa. Dra. Lucia Isaltina C. Leão, artista e semioticista [ ] - Coordenadora do Grupo


Projeto: Labirinto 2: Arte e mapas do ciberespaço (or. Arlindo Machado)

O projeto de doutorado Labirinto 2: Arte e mapas do ciberespaço é um aprofundamento de minha pesquisa sobre labirintos, iniciada em 1992 e presente no livro O labirinto da hipermídia. Arquitetura e navegação no ciberespaço (São Paulo: Iluminuras, 1999). Na fase atual, exploro alguns aspectos particulares da estética do ciberespaço. Dando continuidade à idéia de que os estudos antigos sobre labirintos podem nos ajudar a compreender melhor e interagir de uma forma mais profunda com os espaços virtuais, focalizo a análise nos trabalhos artísticos. Meu objeto de estudo são os trabalhos poéticos que exploram as redes digitais enquanto territórios em permanente mutação, nos quais as pessoas interagem e constróem suas cartografias.

Project: Labyrinth 2: Art and Maps of Cyberspace

This project explores some particular aspects of cyberspace aesthetics. My claim is that the ancient studies of maps and labyrinths could help us to better understand and deeper interact with the complex virtual spaces of our digital era. The concept of cyberspace, usually conceived of only as an informational network, sustained by computers and telecommunication technologies, must be reviewed. We must enlarge the notion and foreshadow the cyberspace as a space in which people interact, inhabit and transform themselves. The old labyrinthine wisdom tells us that the one who makes the labyrinth isn't the architect, but the walker who ventures himself inside it. The same point is fundamental in the studies of maps. A map is just a representation of a territory and we need a lot of different maps to start to glimpse a place. Besides, we should distinguish the map conceived just as an elaborated diagram of a philosophic and conceptual map. Since Deleuze e Guatarri, in Rhizome, map is something much more dynamic, that is always in transformation. In this sense, we should say that the conceptual map is created after a personal and subjective journey. Because, as we know from our personal experience, even when we have an excellent graphic, other geographies, other spaces emerge from our activity. The great challenge is: how could the net artists create new maps and labyrinths?


Lucia Leão é artista interdisciplinar com pesquisa voltada para as novas tecnologias. Como artista expõe internacionalmente desde 1985. É autora do livro O labirinto da hipermídia. Arquitetura e navegação no ciberespaço (São Paulo: Iluminuras, 1999). Desde 1997, edita a revista eletrônica INTERLAB - estudos intersemióticos sobre hipermídia e labirintos (http://www.pucsp/~cos-puc/interlab). É coordenadora do GARDI - Grupo de Arte e Mídias Digitais do CIMID - Centro de Mídias Digitais do Programa de Estudos Pós Graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica da PUC-SP.

Lucia Leão is an interdisciplinary artist working with new technologies. As an artist, she has been exhibiting her work internationally since 1985. She is the author of Hypermedia’s Labyrinth: Architecture and navigation on the cyberspace (São Paulo: Iluminuras, 1999). Lucia Leão is Master in Communication and Semiotics from the PUC – Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil and Ph.D. candidate at the same institution. Since 1997, she is the Editor of of InterLab, publication dedicated to Art and new technologies. ( She is also Coordinator of GARDI - Group for Research on Art in the Digital Era, at CIMID - Center of Research on Digital Midia. Post-graduate Program in Communication and Semiotics.