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CAPES Evaluation: 2013 – 2014 – 2015 – 2016 Quadriennium
Concept 4
Master and Doctorate Programs



The Post-Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at PUC-SP focuses on Clinical Psychology (Treatment and Prevention), prioritizing the production of knowledge regarding the intervention, prevention and health promotion of the entire social fabric, as well as contemplating the diversity of epistemological, theoretical and methodological positions in Clinical Psychology. Priority is given to a renewed look at the psychic reality and the understanding of subjectivation processes in the clinic and institutions.

It aims to develop and encourage advanced research activities with didactic and scientific purposes through in-depth studies of the psychic reality in its process of evolution and transformation, paying attention to emerging needs in terms of individual and group adaptation to new cultural and social configurations; monitor scientific advances and update the neuro-psycho-biological and environmental insertion of Clinical Psychology.
For this purpose, Clinical Psychology methods are used and critical evaluations of these methods are proposed, as well as the conceptual elaborations produced from their application in different contexts. It confers the titles of Master and Doctor in Clinical Psychology, as well as welcomes and encourages Post Doctoral projects in its epistemological area.


Our History

Considered one of the oldest Clinical Psychology programs in the country, the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at PUC-SP was established in 1976. The recognition of its excellence can also be seen in different awards, among which, the Capes Award for Thesis in Psychology, the Jabuti Award in Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Behavior, awards for Scientific Initiation projects indicating an excellent integration with graduation and expressiveness lines of research. Its educational system is considered a national model and attracts students from all over the country and abroad. The consistent training has progressively incorporated scientific and technological innovations and over the years bonds of collaboration and interface have been developed with different areas of knowledge in almost all Brazilian states and in several Latin American and European countries, with researchers, teachers and professionals from psychology and from other areas of the human, legal, biological, environmental and earth sciences, as well as professionals related to the arts and culture. It expresses an understanding of broad clinical psychology focused on the diversity of demands and contexts aimed at implementing psychic health in the individual, family and society.

Area of concentration: Clinical Psychology
Basic Area: Treatment and Prevention

The Program develops three lines of research that concentrate research projects. The lines of research are linked to the Projects and didactic activities of the professors, which, in turn, are grouped in centers called Teaching and Research Nucleus, understood as spaces for organization and connection of professors, students and external researchers in areas of knowledge differentiated. There are six cores:

  • Contemporary Configurations of Clinical Psychology
  • Jungian Studies
  • Family and community
  • Psychoanalytic Method and Culture Formations
  • Advanced Studies in Psychosomatics
  • Subjectivity Studies



Research Lines


Line 1 - Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology

Dedicated to the study of clinical psychology assumptions and components from philosophy (ontology, epistemology, methodology) or other scientific and cultural fields, as well as the basic structures of its theories and procedures.


Line 2 - Contemporary Guidelines in Clinical Psychology

It aims to study central themes and issues of contemporary Clinical Psychology, taking into account the pluralism of existing paradigms and the transforming nature of the clinic in its performance in the most diverse contexts.


Line 3 - Historical and Cultural Contexts of Clinical Psychology

It addresses genealogical aspects and modes of interaction of Clinical Psychology with different areas of culture and society. It also aims to build Clinical Psychology as a transforming agent.



Selection Process For Admission To The Program

The selection process for applicants to the Program (Master’s Degree and Doctor’s Degree) is semiannual. The dates for registration are published every six months on this website.



Curricular Structure


Mandatory Instrumental Courses
Total of 07 credits in compulsory subjects:
03 Credits - Epistemology and Psychology
04 Credits - Dissertation Seminar
Academic Activities Related to Teaching and Research Centers
Minimum Required: 21 credits
- Subjects of Theoretical Support (*) (03 credits each)
- Field Research Seminars (02 credits each)
- Seminars on Technical and Methodological Issues (02 credits each)
- Scheduled Activities (01 credit each)
NOTE The student must attend academic activities according to the Study Plan prepared with the advisor.
* According to the orientation of each Nucleus, one of these subjects may be mandatory.
Dissertation Preparation
08 Credits
Course Completion
Minimum 36 credits being:
07 credits in Mandatory Instrumental Courses
21 credits in Academic Activities Linked to Research Centers
08 credits in Dissertation Preparation (advisory).

Compulsory subject
03 Credits - Advanced Research Seminar
Academic Activities Related to Teaching and Research Centers
Minimum Required: 15 Credits
- Subjects of Theoretical Support (*) (03 credits each)
- Field Research Seminars (02 credits each)
- Seminars on Technical and Methodological Issues (02 credits each)
- Scheduled Activities (01 credit each)
NOTE The student must attend academic activities according to the Study Plan prepared with the advisor.
* According to the orientation of each Nucleus, one of these subjects may be mandatory.
Thesis Preparation
14 Credits
Course Completion
Minimum 32 credits being:
03 credits in Mandatory Subject
15 credits in Academic Activities Linked to Teaching and Research Centers
14 credits in Thesis Writing (advisory).



Research Groups


Every Professor in the Program belongs to one or more Research Groups registered at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq, as Leader, Vice-Leader, or Participant.

    Responsible: Denise Gimenez Ramos
    See group website

  • STUDY AND RESEARCH OF CLINICAL PRACTICES IN PSYCHOLOGY: assumptions, transformations and interfaces
    Responsible: Marlise Aparecida Bassani
    See group website

    Responsibles: Mathilde Neder, Edna Maria Severino Peters Kahhale
    See group website

    Responsible: Rosa Maria Stefanini de Macedo
    See group website

    Responsible: Suely Belinha Rolnik
    See group website

    Responsible: Peter Pál Pelbart
    See group website

    Responsibles: Denise Bernuzzi Sant’Anna , Carmen Lucia Soares
    See group website

    Responsible: Liliana Liviano Wahba
    See group website


Research Projects


A Research Project is a research activity on a circumscribed theme or object, developed individually by a member of the Faculty in the Program to which the Master or Doctorate projects guided by that Professor are linked. Every Research Project in the Program is simultaneously linked to the Research Line in which the Professor works and to the Research Group (registered at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq) to which the Professor belongs.

The clinic of sexuality in Socio-Historical Psychology: reasoning and management
Researcher Edna Maria Severino Peters Kahhale

The contemporary body condition
Researcher Denise Bernuzzi Sant’Anna

The masculine and the feminine contemporary condition
Researcher Durval Luiz de Faria

The Era of the Schools in the history of Psychoanalysis
Researcher Renato Mezan

Analytical listening in psychic health interfaces
Researcher Liliana Liviano Wahba

Ethics in therapeutic actions for grief
Researcher Maria Helena Pereira Franco

Psychoanalysis as a way of understanding and caring in private and/or expanded clinics.
Researcher Rosa Maria Tosta

Theoretical and Methodological approaches to the processes of change in the family life cycle
Researcher Ida Kublikowski

Psychic Illnesses: Strategies And Tactics Of Psychoanalytic Care
Researcher Luis Claudio Mendonça Figueiredo

Attachment and marital and family relationships
Researcher Rosane Mantilla De Souza

Art and Psychology: Creative Expressions in Individual and Culture
Researcher Liliana Liviano Wahba

Assessment of environmental quality, degree of optimism, and the assignment of responsibility regarding the state of the environment: a replication research of the Environmental Future Scale-Adapted in Brazil.
Researcher Marlise Aparecida Bassani

Challenges in Mental Health: sustainability and subjectivity in the contemporary world
Researcher Marlise Aparecida Bassani

Psychoterapy and culture- archetypes, art and body
Researcher Durval Luiz de Faria

Sandplay Therapy Effectiveness
Researcher Denise Gimenez Ramos

Teaching Environmental Psychology for a Contemporary Clinical Psychology: theoretical, methodological, and practical contributions.
Researcher Marlise Aparecida Bassani

Seasons of the soul: emotions and feelings in the climate experience in S Paulo
Researcher Denise Bernuzzi De Santanna

Family structure and dynamic: Family relashionships
Researcher Rosa Maria Stefanini De Macedo

Factors involved in the facilitation of writing and bibliographic production: the case of PEPG in Clinical Psychology at PUC-SP.
Researchers: Rosane Mantilla de Souza and Marlise A. Bassani

Figures of Desubjectivation
Researcher Peter Pal Pelbart

Philosophies of the Event
Researcher Peter Pal Pelbart

Trauma and Early Affective Abandonment: reflection on psychoanalytic practice and theories related to the treatment of trauma.
Researcher Elisa Maria de Ulhoa Cintra

Colonial-racializing-capitalistic unconscious
Researcher Suely Belinha Rolnik

Clinical interventions and contemporary forms of suffering
Researcher Ida Elizabeth Cardinalli

The Psyche/Body Phenomenon in its psychological, cultural, symbolic, social and clinical dimensions
Researcher Denise Gimenez Ramos

The pychoanalytical method in contemporary clinical work
Researcher Renato Mezan

Perversion and sexual abuse: psychic caracterization of the abuser and of the abused person.
Researcher Alfredo Naffah Neto

Therapeutic principles of different psychoanalytical lineages: a comparative study
Researcher Alfredo Naffah Neto

Revisiting The Family Throughout The Life Cycle
Researcher Ceneide Maria De Oliveira Cerveny

Communication and Information Technologies (ICTs) and their impacts on interpersonal relationships
Researcher Rosane Mantilla De Souza


Contact Us

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia: Psicologia Clínica
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP
Address: Rua Ministro Godoy ,969 - 4a. andar Sala 4E-05
CEP 05015-901- Perdizes, São Paulo -SP- Brasil
Phone: +55 11 3670-8521


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