PUC-SP + Cátedra Paulo Freire

Cátedra Paulo Freire (PUC-SP) launches English version of its website

Kicking off Paulo Freire’s birth centenary celebrations, the Cátedra Paulo Freire at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) launches its website in English. The official launch will take place on Friday, March 5. To access the new institutional page, just click on the icon “English” on the original version of the website (www.pucsp.br/paulofreire).

“Paulo Freire is a classic author and worldly acknowledged. His work has been translated into more than 20 languages. Not only does the website version in English respond to the challenges of internationalization from a linguistic point of view, but it also enables international scholars and researchers from all over the world to get to know and interact with the work that is carried out in this academic space at PUC-SP, where Paulo Freire's ideas are rigorously studied and researched”, stated Professor Ana Maria Saul, coordinator of Cátedra Paulo Freire at PUC-SP.


Book: Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Pedagogy of the Oppressed Editora Paz e Terra

Pedagogy of the Oppressed is considered to be Paulo Freire's most important book, within the 20 or more that he wrote. The text, which has had numerous translations and new editions, presents fundamental concepts that permeate the entire collected works of the author.


Livro: Pedagogia do Oprimido
Pedagogia do Oprimido Editora Paz e Terra

Pedagogia do Oprimido é considerada a principal obra, dentre as mais de 20, de Paulo Freire. Com inúmeras traduções e edições, o livro traz os conceitos fundantes do autor que recorrer a eles ao longo de suas publicações e os associa a outras temáticas e a outras situações.

Por este motivo, pode-se dizer que a obra de Paulo Freire é relacional porque um conceito sempre se relaciona com outro.
