| Abstract |

Análise de Discurso Crítica: uma perspectiva transdisciplinar entre a Lingüística Sistêmica Funcional e a Ciência Social Crítica

Viviane de Melo RESENDE
(Universidade de Brasília)

ABSTRACT: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a transdisciplinar perspective of language in social life that is situated at the interface between the Critical Social Theory and the Systemic Functional Linguistics. This paper’s aim is to favor the reflection about this transdisciplinar relation and about the advances that the blurring of these borders can bring. The transdisciplinarity is necessary to approaches that investigate language use in society, since there is not an external relation between language and society, but a dialectic one. The blurring of disciplinary borders’ brings to Linguistics the anchorage in theoretical perspectives concerning social structure and social action, and propitiates for Social Sciences a frame for textual analysis. CDA, then, surpasses the division between research inspired by Social Science, which tends not to analyze texts, and research inspired by Linguistics, that tends not to engage with sociological theoretic questions.

KEY-WORDS: Critical Discourse Analysis , Systemic Functional Linguistics, Critical Social Science.