| Abstract |

Lo epistemológico en lo retórico: una mirada al discurso de las Ciencias de la Educación desde la LSF

(Universidad Nacional del Sur – CONICET)
(Universidad Nacional del Sur)

ABSTRACT: One of the multiple applications of the hallidaian model attends the textual analysis of the scientific prose (Halliday & Martin 1993; Martin & Veel 1998), area in which the Functional Grammar has been engaged in describing the scientific language and explaining different aspects of its evolution in history. Our research about the history of the scientific discourse, with particular reference to the development of scientific theories and methodologies, follows this line through the studies inscribed in the research project “Aspects of the textualization of scientific knowledge”. The present work focalizes on the Educational Sciences and, in attention to the actual epistemological debate in the field, we devote to a corpus of recent scientific articles to study the linguistic and rhetoric manifestations of the discussed paradigms. Particularly, we study the interpersonal rhetoric that molds the normative/ propositive character of the texts according to the current theories in discussion. This work aspires to contribute to the study of the instantiation of the values and epistemologies from the diverse academic cultures in the conventions of their particular discourse practices.

KEY-WORDS: Systemic Functional Linguistics – Scientific Discourse – Interpersonal Rhetoric