| Abstract |

Macrofunção interpessoal da linguagem e construção de identidades em discursos sobre conflitos internacionais

Viviane C. Vieira Sebba RAMALHO
(Universidade de Brasília/ UnB)

ABSTRACT: This paper, based upon Critical Discourse Analysis theoretical-methodological concepts (Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999; Fairclough, 2003), seeks to examine the Brazilian print media’s discourse on the U.S-Iraqi invasion in 2003. The linguistic analysis focused upon examining ways in which the journalist identifies him/herself through an analysis of metaphors present in the texts. The socio-discursive analysis carried out serves to reveal that in most instances the meanings transmitted by major media are ideological in nature.

KEY-WORDS: discourse, metaphors, newspaper reports, ideology, Brazilian press, Iraqi invasion, U.S. hegemony.