| Abstract |

Rule Types in a Systemic Functional Grammar: An XML Definition of the Cardiff Lexicogrammar Generator*

Víctor M. CASTEL
(Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas / Universidad Nacional de Cuyo)

ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to provide an XML definition of the structure of the Cardiff Lexicogrammar Generator (CLGG) rules so that grammar development is facilitated and enhanced. At present, given its inherent intricacy and high degree of delicacy, only Robin Fawcett and Gordon Tucker can “safely” manipulate versions of CLGG (Micro, Mini, Midi, etc.). One crucial reason for this state of affairs, though not, of course, the only one, is the significant complexity of rule writing. The paper then addresses the problem of constructing an XML schema to account for the well-formedness and validity of CLGG rules.

KEY-WORDS: Cardiff Grammar Generator XML schema, Cardiff Grammar Generator rule typology, Text generation.

* I am grateful to Ana M. Miret for valuable comments on various aspects of the paper.