In October, an occupation of a large industrial complex in Belenzinho (where a SESC unit will be installed) and six interventions in the urban space at the region, circumscribed by the Av. of the State, between Pari and the Mooca. It is a unique event: simultaneous interventions in a complex and disrupted area, with deep historical urban and social tensions.




A new modality of urban intervention, starting not from isolated places from the rest of the city, where specific projects would be developed, but from a whole area, including existing urban, architectural and social elements; transportation and communication systems and urban, architectural and artistic projects foreseen or already under way in the area.

It is an intensive urban cartography that points to the area’s complexity and dynamism, the diversity of activities and the potential of operations under way. It is from this point that new projects and interventions would be developed.

To circumscribe the type of occupation (urban structure, architectural typology, social and historical uses and characteristics), the social and economic elements (migrants, homelessness, informal economy), the circuits of transportation and circulation, the different revitalization projects and different urban operations in implantation. Adding the urban, architectural and artistic interventions (ephemeral or permanent) produced for the event.

A cartography that operates by addition, turning every time the situation more dense and saturated. Pointing to action zones and articulation intervals: a complex urbanization. A superposition of activities and projects, mixing characteristics and scales (local, regional and metropolitan) to form every time more complex maps. Maps composing several plans and scales. Making possible different types of transit between the situations and projects. Working on the relationships (spatial, functional, social, aesthetic) among them. Exploring the multiple combinations possible, producing continuous cartographic compositions. Each new intervention inscribes itself in those plots and allows to new articulations. Each intervention will be another vector introduced into this every moment more complex field.

Therefore, the interventions tend not to be local, but to embrace wider areas, starting from territories configured by the transportation and communication systems, the de-industrialization process and population movements. Working at the intersection of these different devices, during the intervals emerging from the fragmented fabric and the discontinued fluxes of the megalopolis. Producing new articulations between the different urban situations, amplifying its significance and urban, cultural and social impact. Intensifying perception of these processes by the population.

Interventions in megacities cannot be restricted to circumscribed and controlled situations, such as those that characterize expositions. They should deal with circumstances that escape completely their domain, with much larger scales and incalculable alternatives. They deal with infinitely more complex systems and movements. They are interventions that aim, through tension and articulation, to redirect urban fluxes and dynamics.


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