MG-ES proposes to create new repertoires of analysis and performance for large territories. To develop operative techniques and practices for the new configurations resultant of infrastructural systems. A territorial strategy that aims at to understand the behavior of massive configurations and to organize large-scale programs. To detect the new urban phenomena and to connect them with vaster and complex networks.

An operative mapping of the globalised regions dynamics and intensities. Able to establish principles of negotiation with multiples agent in complex fields in continuous transformation, developing new political, urban and artistic parameters for interventions in large territories.

Projects that synthesize the most contemporary conceptual, technical and operational repertoire for dynamic and complex situations. Interventions that indicate strategies and procedures capable to induce and intensify transformations. Proposals that potentialize cooperation with the public administration, companies, communities and international institutions.

The process begins with two types of activities, complementary:

1) Development of new approaches on the territory, resulting in innovative concepts, mapping and images, capable to modify the perception that we have of the region. Presentation in exhibitions that widely promote the project.

Examples of artistic approaches:

Cassio Vasconcellos- nocturnal photos from CST, in Vitória .
Éder Santos- video on a steel production region in Minas Gerais .

2) A laboratory of projects, to be already developed, in the whole territory. Projects lead by multidisciplinary teams _ professionals from the public administration and companies, university and groups of architects and artists, Brazilians and international. Projects that will consolidate a new territorial strategy, based in: institutional support; corporate and community participation; combination of public policies, infrastructure development and optimization, value aggregation to productive processes and flows, urban and sociocultural proposals. The first projects will be on the port and railroad systems, related to the territory potentials.



